The Most Common Roofing Mistakes

If you have been thinking about getting a new roof put on your house, but you’re not sure you want to pay qualified professionals to do the job, this guide is for you! As you continue reading, you’ll discover a few of the most common mistakes that are made by under-experienced contractors and do-it-yourself homeowners. The best way to avoid these issues to hire a skilled professional to install your new roof. This will allow you to rest assured that it will do its job, keeping your family warm and dry, for years to come.

Starter shingles not installed 

Novice roofers often don’t realize that they have to lay “starter shingles” along the eaves of a house before beginning work on the rest of the roof. Even those who do lay this “starter” portion often do it incorrectly, ultimately leading to water retention under the shingles. This, in turn, can cause leaks and mold problems.

Ignoring slope guidelines 

Very few lay people realize that it is possible to select a roofing material that will not work with the slope of your home’s roof. There are slope guidelines for every type of roof and not following them can cause future problems. Asphalt shingles and wood shakes, for example, both necessitate a minimal slope of four units of rise and twelve units of run. If you don’t understand what this means, you should definitely allow a professional contractor to install your new roof!

Failing to install valley flashing 

Like a landscape, roofs have high points and valleys. It is absolutely imperative for valley flashing to be installed correctly to avoid water damage and serious leaks down the road. Some amateurs roofers fail to install flashing at all, while others point the u-shaped material the wrong direction, rendering it much less effective.

Misaligning shingles 

When three-tab asphalt shingles are properly installed, their cutouts should be aligned vertically and their butted joints should lay along a single horizontal plane. Any formation outside of this is not properly aligned. This is a very easy mistake to make if you haven’t installed a lot of roofs, but it can lead to problems, including mold issues and leaks.

Not adding vents to attics and ceilings 

When a new roof is installed on a house, it’s critical for the air that forms in attics and near ceilings to have somewhere to escape from. For this reason, most expert contractors add vents of some kind. Failing to do this can cause moisture damage to the shingles, causing them to deteriorate more quickly than they should.

If you are now convinced that letting a professional install your new roof is the only way to go, we hope you’ll call Burke Roofs soon. Our team looks forward to learning more about your project and getting started in the near future.

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