How Can Roofing Help Cool Your Home?

Roofing can surprisingly factor into how hot or cold your home is; did you know that? There are some very specific things that factor into this, including the color, material and technology behind your roofing. Let’s take a look into these details a little more in depth so that we can decipher how cool your home can stay during the summer.

Color of Roofing

The color of the roofing may not seem like the biggest deal, and frankly, it may seem as though it is just for the aesthetic, but this is simply not true. As a matter of fact, dark roofs have been known to reach temperatures of 10-15 degrees hotter than the average neutral or light colored roof.


The material of which the roof is made is actually most likely the biggest factor, as the asphalt roofs have been known to only reflect out about 30% of incoming light. With this being said, the metal roofs reflect essentially the entirety of the light, making it potentially more efficient.


In terms of technology, there are quite a few things that you can do to ensure that your roof is technologically in tip-top shape. This could include cool roofing material, which could potentially keep your attic 50 degrees cooler than normal.

Contact Us Today at Burke Roofs!

At Burke Roofs, we offer some of the premier commercial and residential roofs in all of New England, including the Boston area, as well as to towns such as Wakefield, Burlington, Reading, and more! While we specialize in all kinds of roofing, we are also very good at installation and maintenance required for rubber roofing. If you are interested in or need a rubber roof as soon as possible, feel free to contact us or call us directly at (781) 246-5622.

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