Benefits of Copper Accents

When it comes to roofing materials, not all are created equal. Some roofing materials are better for pitched roofs, some are better for flat. Some roofing materials last for centuries, like slate roofing, and some need to be replaced every couple of decades, like asphalt shingles. However, when it comes to adding beauty to a home, there are few roofing materials better than copper roofing. While many homeowners don’t want to install an entire copper roof on their home, there are plenty of homeowners that elect to add copper accents here and there across their roof for a variety of reasons. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of adding a copper accent to your roof, take a look at our blog to learn more!

Unmatched Curb Appeal

One of the first reasons that comes to mind when considering why homeowners would want to install a copper roof is that it provides truly unmatched beauty. A copper accent instantly boosts the curb appeal of any home, as it is one of the best-looking roofing materials available. If you are looking for a way to make your home stand out from the rest of the neighborhood, installing copper accents is an easy way to boost your home’s appeal. Furthermore, over time your copper roof will begin turn green, which is referred to as patina. A fantastic example of this effect is the Statue of Liberty. When it was first constructed, the statue was a beautiful shade of copper, but over time, it revealed the shade of green that it is known for today. Many homeowners and buyers alike love this effect, and even a copper roof with patina will add significant curb appeal to your home!


Another reason that homeowners choose to install copper accents is that it provides incredible durability to your roof. Copper roofing is extremely durable, offering resistance to the elements that only slate roofing can compete with. Copper roofing lasts for decades, even up to a century, keeping your roof protected for years to come. For this reason, homeowners often choose to install it in any problem areas of their roof, such as valleys, in order to prevent moisture damage.

Contact us Today

Interested in installing a copper accent on your home’s roof? Our team at Burke Roofs is ready to assist! We can be reached over the phone at (781) 246-5622 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roofing needs!

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