How To Tell If It’s Time For A Roof Replacement

Your home’s roof is one of the single most important aspects of your home’s exterior shell. It provides a number of essential benefits for your home, including protecting your home from the elements and pests, as well as helping to improve your home’s curb appeal and resale value, and providing insulation as well. Considering how many benefits your roof provides, it is essential to keep it in good repair! If you’re interested in learning more about how to identify whether your home’s roof is in need of repairs of replacing, take a look at our blog to learn about the signs you may have missed!

Damaged Flashing

The first sign that your roof is beginning to fail is rusted flashing. A bit of rusted flashing doesn’t mean the roof is about the fail, but it can lead to significant water damage. If you notice that your flashing is beginning to fail, you’ll want to have it replaced to keep your roof from failing.

Loose Granules

Another subtle sign that your roof is reaching the end of its lifespan is when you begin to find granules in your gutter system or on the ground below your roof. Loose granules is an indication that the shingles are nearing failure, as your granules help to provide protection to the shingles and will only begin to fall off towards the end of the shingles lifespan.

Roof Age

Consider how old your roof is. Most asphalt shingle roofs can last for between 20 and 30 years given proper maintenance, which means if your roof is showing signs of wear and nearing this age range, it is likely a sign that the roof needs to be replaced. Before electing to repair issues, consider the condition and age of the roof.

Curling Shingles

Another sign that your roof is failing is when you notice that your shingles are curling or buckling. This is a clear sign that your shingles are absorbing moisture and will need to replace the roof to keep your home protected. Shingles that are absorbing moisture will quickly fail, and replacing them sooner than later will help to keep your home protected.

Missing Shingles

Lastly, you will need to replace your roof if your shingles are beginning to fall off of your roof. If you’re finding shingles in your yard, you will need to replace your roof as soon as possible, as it is failing rapidly!

Contact Us Today

Interested in replacing your home’s roof this summer? Our team at Burke Roofs is ready to assist! Reach out to us today by calling us at (781) 246-5622 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roof replacement needs!

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