How Can I Increase My Roofs Lifespan?

Most Home Owners know the average lifespan for a roof is about twenty years. What some homeowners do not know however is a roof’s life span can increase or decrease based on how you go about maintaining it. In New England, most roofs do not last as long as they should due to improper maintenance and the harsh weather. Roofs are not cheap to replace or repair so it is best to take very good care of your roof. Here are the best pieces of advice to extend the longevity of your roof.

Inspect Your Roof Once A Season

It is important to take a look at your roofs at least once each season. Inspecting your roof will allow you to notice small problems that can turn into big ones. If you do not inspect your roof, small problems can turn into major problems before your know it. Before its too late, always be on the lookout for cracks, openings, or weak spots.

Clean Your Roof A Few Times A Year

In New England, roofs will accumulate leaves, branches, and debris. That is inevitable due to the climate. Tree branches and debris can weigh your roof down over time, so it is essential to clean your roof a few times a year, especially after a storm. Trimming large trees or tree branches around your roof is also a good idea.

Do Not Forget About Your Gutter

Gutters and roofs work hand in hand. When your gutter is well maintained, it can take the stress off of your roof. You do not want your roof to collect large amounts of water because there is only so much your roof can take. When you forget to clean your gutter, it can get backed up and lead to roof leaks. Taking good care of your gutters will translate to a longer lifespan for your roof.

Professional Roofing and Gutter Service in Wakefield, MA: Burke Roofs

At Burkes Roofs, we service the Boston area with roofing and gutter maintenance and repairs. If you need assistance with a roof or gutter problem, reach out to us! We are always happy to help out our communities. Contact us today!

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